Chemex Coffee Maker 1 - 3 Cup Classic best seller

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  Product Details
Manufacturer: Chemex
Manufacturer reference: CM-1
Product Dimensions: 4 inches x 8.2 inches; 14.1 ounces
Shipping Weight: 1.5 pounds
ASIN: B004BEQFVY Sales Rank: 50146

  Product Features
Selected by the Illinois Institute of Technology as one of the 100 best designed products of modern times
With the Chemex® method, you can make coffee as strong as you like without bitterness.
NOTE: Prefolded Chemex filter (item #: FP-2 ) are required for operation of 3 cup coffee makers.
3 Cup (One Pint) coffeemaker; wood collar with tie
Height: 8 ¼" Diameter: 4"

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  Product Description
Few products in this century can match the flawless blending of design and function of the Chemex®. Its visual elegance has earned it a place in the permanent collection of New York's Museum located in Corning, New York. The Chemex® coffeemaker was also selected by the Illinois Institute of Technology as one of the 100 best designed products of modern times. The Chemex® coffeemaker, together with Chemex-Bonded® coffee filters, makes perfect coffee; clear, pure, flavorful, and without bitterness or sediment every time. The coffee only comes in contact with the scientifically designed filter and non-porous glass. With the Chemex® method, you can make coffee as strong as you like without bitterness. Perfect for iced coffee and coffee flavoring for gourmet recipes. Because of its purity, Chemex® brewed coffee can be covered and stored in the refrigerator for heating...without losing its flavor! Chosen as one of the 100 best designed products of modern times, the Chemex® coffeemaker is found in the permanent collections of the Museum of Modern Art, Smithsonian and the Philadelphia Museum of Art, as well as in fine gourmet stores everywhere. This merging of form and function came out of Chemist Peter Schlumbohm's taste for fine flavor. Applying the techniques used to insure laboratory purity, he set out to brew what may have been the first cup of truly clear, full-bodied coffee - free of undesirable fats, oils, sediment and most of all...bitterness. For five decades the coffeemaker that was once available only to a circle of acquaintances has been enjoyed by connoisseurs around the world. But the Chemex® coffeemaker's greatest distinction is that once it brews coffee to the most exacting personal requirements, the filter and grounds are removed in a single package, leaving a carafe as at home with fine china as it is with the first cup of morning coffee. NOTE: Prefolded Chemex filter (item #: FP-2 ) are required for operation of 3 cup coffee makers.

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